- Boutique Escapes - BC's Hidden Gems for Travelers
- Vogue Magazine - Paradise Rediscovered: A Travel Guide to Haida Gwaii, the "Galapagos Island of Canada"
- National Geographic - Travel Article about Haida Gwaii
- Travellers Point - Haida Gwaii #2 of #3- The Copper Beech Guest House, Masset
- Vancouver Sun - Travel: Nature in the Wild
- LoveHaidaGwaii.com - Copper Beech House
- Nuvo Magazine - Copper Beech House, Haida Gwaii
- BC Book Look - #30 Susan Musgrave
- Global News - A Closer Look at Haida Gwaii
- Haida Gwaii Is Canada's Best Kept Secret
- Huffington Post - B.C. Photographer Of The Month: Guy Kimola
- Bcmag.ca - Gwaii Haanas Gallery